
Sea Bells Chapter 2

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Sea Bells

Eight years after The Last Olympian Percy is all grown up, to his usual Percy standards that is. Finally he is ready for his next step in life, or at least he thinks he is but first he must ask Athena. It's the question that Annabeth had dreamed of since she was 16, the one Athena has dreaded since the moment she met Percy, the one Aphrodite has planned for, and the one Apollo placed bets on. The question that will forever change their lives forever.

Humors and hopelessly romantic, I hope you will enjoy my pride and joy: Sea Bells

A/N: Enjoy! Here is the second chapter as promised!

Chapter 2: A Different Type of Battle  

It took everything I had not to just sprint out of there, not because I was embarrassed, which I was, but because I was excited to go and find Annabeth.
At this point the words didn’t bother me so much.

I was almost out the doors before I remembered an important detail; I turned quickly and bowed "Thank you my lords." Zeus and my dad nodded and I turned around so quickly I ran right into her.

I caught her before she could fall backwards. " Watch where you are going…" she grumbled trailing off once she realized who was holding her "Percy? What are you doing here?" No, I think the real question would be what was she doing here; she was supposed to be shopping.
"Hey, to you too, I was just talking to my dad."

"Oh?" she asked obviously not content with my answer.

I was suddenly ambushed with inspiration.

"Yep," I answer letting the P pop on my lips, "Since we're here, why don't you give me a tour of what you have been up to?" I asked removing her from my embrace settling for holding her hand.

"Yeah, that's sounds great, I can't wait to show you this pond I have been working on, we just finished it, and well I really think you are going to love it. The reflection is just perfect."

"I have no doubt about it." I smiled and kissed her cheek before she started leading us toward Poseidon's temple.

In the distance I could hear my dad shouting to Athena, "So I guess we're gonna be in-laws huh?" I smiled disguising my laugher as a coughing fit and hurried us forward pulling Annabeth safely out ear shot.
“Don’t tell me you forgot to breathe, Seaweed Brain.” She laughed as patted my back.
I winked, “Not this time darling, you just take my breath away.” I smiled winningly, making kissy faces at her for good measures.
She laughed putting her hands on either side of my face. “What am I going to do with you?” Those stormy eyes got me every time.
Wiggling my eyebrows suggestively I leaned in, “Well, I have a few suggestions.”
“Oh, I bet you do.” She giggled before pecking my lips once and taking my hand back to pull me forward. “Now come on.” She said as I allowed myself to be pulled by the force that was Annabeth.

"So how was shopping with Clarisse today?" I asked her as I tucked a blond curl that had escaped behind her ear.

"It was fun for a while, but then Chris showed up and I was starting to feel like a third wheel , so I decided to give them their privacy and find you but your roommate said you weren't there so I came here to speak with Artemis about the finishing touches on her temple." She said.

"Well, sorry, I would have been there but I had to take care of some business of my own."

She shrugged "It's okay, maybe tomorrow we can go to camp and see how things are going over there and set up your new office, and then maybe go to dinner at that restaurant down the block for my apartment?"

I smiled, she always had a plan. "It's a date then." I said winking at her. She giggled, she was so cute my and all mine. I thought with elation.

My heart beat became erratic as I thought of what huge step we were about to take, I didn't even know where to begin.

"Well here we are." Annabeth said saving me from my mini panic attack.
She pulled me to a stop in front of a breathtaking salt water pond nestled in between a large oak tree and my father's temple.

Stones surrounded the pond with stone water fountain in the corner constantly creating ripples in the water that matched my eyes. The pond was about four foot deep, fish of bright neons swam around happily. Leaning forward I noticed that fish weren't the only thing that I could see. I was a reflection of sorts, I watched in amazement. You could see all my adventures in it like a movie.

From the moment I first arrived at Camp Half Blood and fought the Minotaur, when I broke Clarisse's spear in capture the flag, and when Poseidon claimed me as his son. My quest into Hades to find Zeus' master bolt, when I blew up mount St. Helen and was blasted out of the top, it even had and my  first kiss with Annabeth, to the time I fought alongside the huntresses, it went on and on. I watched breathless, it was just so mesmerizing, at first I just thought the pond showed you the victories of your life's past but then beside the tree that shaded the pond a large stone caught my eye, it read: "Perseus Jackson Memorial Hero of Olympus"

I looked up and to Annabeth, "You did this for me?" I asked.

She nodded shyly. "Well not just me, I designed it, but it was the gods' idea to give you a memorial on Olympus, we have been working on this for months. So now even when you are not here, people will always remember what you did for Olympus. I hope you like it."

"Like it? Annabeth, this is best thing anyone has ever done for me, it is absolutely perfect. I love it." I said with a smile I pulled her to me kissing the top of her head.

Taking her hand I led us over to the bench besides the tree. Sitting her down beside myself, I wrapped my arms around her hugging her close.

We were quite for a while as we watched the pond; it was an unending show of my life's accomplishments.

I spoke after we saw our official second kiss when I turned sixteen, I chuckled, "And I've still got it."  

She smiled obviously in agreement, "Yeah, you do Seaweed Brain." She was leaning into kiss me when I stood up. "And where do think you are going kelp face?" she said her eyes shining with laughter. There was nothing more perfect than this, me and her together. The way it should always be.  

"Gods you’re beautiful," I said getting on one knee completely in awe of the woman sitting before me "You know, you have driven me absolutely crazy since the first day I met you. And I know you know that too,” I continued as I smirked up at her. “And I wouldn't want it any other way. In fact I would do it again and again because every minute with you has been worth a lifetime.   I've known since we were sixteen that you were it for me. I couldn't live without you in my life then and that’s something that will never change. My heart has belonged with you, from day one, even though I didn't know it. I know there are a hundred reasons we shouldn't, fifty of them being your mother, but there are a million reasons that we should. Hades himself couldn’t stop me from getting to you. I am in love you Annabeth Chase. And I don’t want to ever stop. Every battle with you has been a pleasure and I am ready for the next one if you are," I fumbled in my pockets for the black velvet box nearly dropping it before getting it opened, reveling the ruby ring I had picked out, golden with twelve small diamonds surrounding the red ruby representing the twelve gods and goddesses of Olympus. A diamond was just to cliché for Annabeth. "Wise Girl, I promise to love you forever, will you do me the honor of being my wife?"

I held Annabeth's beautiful stormy gray eyes the entire time, which were now glossy with tears that were threatening to spill over.

Falling to her knees in front of me she wrapped her arms around my neck and whispered into my ear, "Of course Percy! I love you so much!"

I don't have words to explain that moment, and maybe the Fates didn't hate me so much after all.

I pulled back only long enough so I could slide the ring on her finger where it belonged.
Suddenly she assaulted me with her lips, kissing me with everything that she had to offer. And I kissed her back just as passionately.

Eventually I brought her up to her feet with me. Wrapping my arms around her waist picking her up and spinning in a little circle, just because I could.

I put her down slowly our bodies sliding together as I did so, a promise of what marriage was to offer.

Slowly I lowered my mouth to hers again, in a slower but equally passionate kiss. We kissed until neither of us could breathe. We pulled apart reluctantly and stared lovingly into each other's eyes.

"I love you." She whispered to me, afraid that any noise louder than a whisper would destroy the bubble that we had created.

"Forever." I whispered back. We spent a few more precious moments in each other's arms. After a while I dropped my arms from around her and took her hand.

"So what do want to do now my fiancé?" I asked elbowing her playfully in the ribs.
She smiled and was thoughtful for a moment. "Well," she said slowly. "I was thinking that we would go present the engagement to the gods?"

I sighed exasperated, even though my meeting with Athena went better than I could ever dream of, Athena tended to not like me even more than usual when Annabeth and I were together. "Don't you think the gods already know, I mean they are gods." But I knew it was pointless even trying because the look she was giving was all but impossible to say no to.
"We can't just ignore them; they are going find out sooner or later, so we might as well be the ones who tell them while we are here. Plus I want to show off my beautiful ring to everyone." She said smiling sweetly at me; she had such an unfair advantage over me, if I could smile and bat my eyes like that and still look good doing it, I would be the one who won, but since that's just not possible. And a blow to my manliness.

I sighed in defeat and held out my arm. "Well, allow me to be your escort milady." She pinched my arm teasingly for my sarcasm before looping her arm through mine giggling.  

She smiled proudly taking my arm. "So I was wondering, what do you think about a beach wedding?"  

"We've been engaged all of ten minutes and you are already planning our wedding." I laughed loudly a huge smile was plastered to my face. Our wedding, I loved the sound of that.

She laughed along with me, smiling hugely. "The early bird catches the worm." She said shrugging, not ashamed in the least.

Actually a beach wedding sounded absolutely perfect to me, but we could get married in a cardboard box for all that I cared just so long as we were getting married and would be mine for eternity. "Babe, that sounds perfect, but it's about whatever you want."
I pulled us to a stop not being able to resist kissing her. She pulled away with half lidded eyes and a dreamy expression.

"Oh, yes. Definitely a beach wedding, in June I think." She was absolutely beaming at the possibilities.

She talked about wedding plans all the way back to the throne room and I just nodded and smiled along with everything she said, still ecstatic that there would be a wedding.  
Just outside of the doors of the throne room I pulled us to a stop once again.
I turned to Annabeth, "You sure you want to do this?"

"Positive. What's matter Seaweed Brain, scared?" she asked with a dazzling smile.
"Kind of," I admitted with a smirk, "but mostly of your mother." I said returning her smile; I cupped her face between my hands suddenly serious.
"Annabeth Chase, what did I ever do to deserve you? How does a Kelp Face like me earn your love?" I mused.

She stared into my eyes searching, just as her mother had early but this time it was done with love, "Well for one thing, that Kelp Face really knows how to sweet talk."

She kissed my nose lovingly "And that Kelp Face doesn't always say the right things but he knows how to make me smile when I am at my worse. And something about how every time I look into his beautiful green eyes I lose all senses and only know one thing, that I love him more than anything that holds me to this world." Then she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me, pulling her close I kissed her back.

What started off as sweet and gentle rapidly turned to frenzied passion my heart pounded wildly at my chest. I was so wrapped up in the kiss that I hadn't noticed when the doors to the throne room suddenly opened.

Annabeth was the one to break the kiss and step back, slowly I opened my eyes, confused, to a room full of friends and gods cheering and clapping.

My dad being the loudest was standing at the open entrance, obviously the one who had opened the door.  

Catching my eye he flashed me a goofy grin, "Ahhh Percy!! M' boy!" he boomed. He reached in us two large strides scooping up Annabeth in a bone crushing godly hug and congratulating me all at once "Well theirs my soon to be daughter in law!" he said proudly.

Under normal circumstances I would have laughed at the expression on her face, but since there was absolutely nothing normal about this, I grabbed for her and pulled her close to my side. Looks like Poseidon has been inhaling the Greek fire a bit too long.

Suddenly I realized that this was the party Poseidon had promised he throw for us. How he was able to gather so many of our friends on such short notice was beyond me, but I guess when you are a god you could do that sort of thing.

Fighting his way through the crowd tugging Juniper along with him was Grover, trying and failing to break through the crowd.

Poseidon draped his massive arm over my shoulder pulling both Annabeth and I tightly against his side. Shifting my attention away from the struggling Grover.  

Annabeth was sandwiched snuggly between me and my father squirming uncomfortably. I did my best to wiggle out of his hold, but that was impossible, it felt like I had a cinder block on my shoulders, the more I moved the tighter he held us.

My dad cleared his throat in an attempt to get the horde of people's attention, completely oblivious to the fact that he was making an Annabeth sandwich, they quieted at once forming a semicircle around where we stood.  

"I think my son, Percy, has something to tell us." He said smiling brightly down at me.
I hesitated uncomfortable by the sudden attention. I cleared my throat trying to find my voice, "Annabeth and I are getting married!"

This was of course not unexpected of them, hence the reason they were here, but none the less was met by a massive wave of cheers and congratulations.

At my words my father had pulled us ever closer to his side, much to the discomfort of Annabeth. I tried yet again to pull us free but was unsuccessful.

People were coming at us from left and right patting me on the back and telling us congratulations, so fast I barely had time to mumble a thanks before the next person was pushing their way through the crowd to talk to us.

I was in the middle of speaking to Travis Stroll when I felt someone pinch my side, hard.

I glanced towards Annabeth questioningly, her arms were pinned awkwardly against her side, and she was shooting daggers at me, obviously not okay with being stuck in this position much longer.

"Dad." I called but he didn't seem to hear me. "Dad!" I called a bit louder, still no response. "DAD!" I yelled, and everything was all of a sudden quiet.
Poseidon looked down at me with an expectantly.

"Dad, you're mushing Annabeth, and I would prefer my bride not to be flat." I said trying to make a joke of the situation.

My father's eyes widened and quickly removed his arm from around us. The entire crowd roared with laughter, an immediate blush surfaced even though I didn't know why, then I realized how what I said must have sounder. Oh, crap.  
"No, no! That's not how I meant it at all!" I felt like digging a hole for myself and dying.

I could hear Apollo above everyone else "Percy, are you trying to say you wouldn't marry her if she was flat? That's just wrong man." He managed to say in between fits of laughter the laughter increased by a tenfold.

If possible my blush deepened, "No, no of course not! I would marry her no matter what! She's not so it doesn't matter either way." I said stumbling over my words in my rush to get them out.

I glanced at Annabeth for mortal support, she was red in the face in what I thought was embarrassment but then realized she was trying not to laugh.
"Double checking the size, are we Percy?" Apollo had moved closer and closer until he was about five steps in front of me, I lunged. I didn't pull out Riptide because I knew it would be pointless, I wasn't even sure what I was planning on doing but it didn't matter because before I could reach him, a large hand clapped down on my shoulder holding me in place.

I looked up and Poseidon held me in place, not even fazed by my little outburst Apollo didn't seem to be either because he was still laughing at his jokes along with a few others that was until Artemis pushed him so hard he landed in the punch bowl, spilling blue punch everywhere.

"Hey!" shouted Grover now covered in blue punch, Juniper neatly dodged and managed to stay dry.

Annabeth collapsed into fit of giggles, she would meet my eyes and would instantly being laughing again. I couldn't help but laugh along with the contagiousness of it, even if it was at my expense.  

I wrapped my arms around her and brought my lips to her ear so they just barely skimmed her cheek. "What's so funny?" I asked teasingly.

She shook her head still giggling madly, "Nothing, so you really think I am not flat chested?"

I groaned lightly into her ear blushing further but answering her anyway, "Far from it my dear."

It was now her turn to blush and mine to laugh, and oh did I ever. That was until she punched me on my upper arm.

"Play nice children.” My father chuckled pretending to chide us. “Now, now Percy no need to get upset over a simple minded sun god who can't hold his liquor, but you are correct, it would be no fun having a flat bride." He said winking at Annabeth, I just shook my head from side to side in annoyance, no way was I even attempting saying something about this topic again.

"Mind your own Poseidon! I hardly think that concerns you!" Athena said suddenly no more three feet in of Poseidon.

No response was necessary because before he could, a battle cry rang throughout the room bouncing of the walls.
Apollo stood at the punch table drenched in the blue punch that he had been pushed into with a chunk of blue cake in hand, the cake was suddenly arching out of his hand aiming with godly precision for Artemis's face only a millisecond before the cake hit her she ducked causing the mess of blue icing and cake to nail Athena in the back of the head.

The room instantly quieted.

Annabeth cringed at my side preparing herself for what was to come next come next, gods I pitied Apollo at this moment not that he didn't deserve what was coming for him, but wow this would be harsh.

The heavy silence was broken suddenly by a booming laugh; my father had tears streaming down his face laughing as clutched his stomach.

I risked a glance at Athena, she was livid, glaring in silence at my father, who was laughing uncontrollably completely unaware.

"You think that's funny, Dolphin Boy?" Athena said in a steely voice.

Finally Poseidon seemed to notice he was the only one laughing composed himself enough to speak, "Yeah, what if I do, what are you going to do about it Oh Wise One?" he mocked daring Athena to do anything.

Athena sneered, "This." She said grabbing Dionysus giant wine glass from his hands and throwing in on to my father soaking his white beach shirt with purple liquid, the already silent crowd seemed to become even more silent, no one dared to move as they watched the two gods.

Quickly seeing my father's wine soaked face, I pushed Annabeth behind me and moved us back a few paces taking us out of the line of fire.

My father chuckled darkly.

Poseidon simply raised his right hand and the spilled punch rose with it; he held it in a cloud above Athena's head. "My my, Lady Athena you are looking hot this evening, allow me cool you down." He said winking at her.

Athena narrowed her eyes at him, "You wouldn't."
“Darling, you shouldn’t tempt me so.” Just then cloud above her burst pouring down blue punch on the goddess of wisdom and war.

She was soaked from head to toe in the punch, my father burst out laughing again this time falling to his side, and tears of laughter streamed his face once more.

"Well, I am glad someone is getting a laugh out of this," Dionysus snarled. "Because, I don't find this funny one bit! I get one glass of wine in one century, and you waste my perfectly good wine for some joke!" He eyed Athena angrily.

My father's excessive laughter only seemed to irk him further. The wine god grabbed a blue berry pie off of the table next to him and pitching it forcefully at Athena, hitting her smack in the face.

The next I knew was Apollo shouted "Food fight!" and all Hades broke loose.

Grabbing Annabeth's hand we ran dogging various types of blue food, before diving behind my father's throne for safety.

Annabeth and I just looked at each other before being consumed by the hysterics. Sitting down I brought her with me pulling her onto my lap. She curled into me resting her head on my shoulder still laughing quietly into my neck. I leaned down kissing the top of her head.

"Some party huh?" I asked smiling.

She snorted "Well, I can most definitely say I will never forget it."

I sighed loudly. "My father said he would throw us a party, but said nothing about a god vs. god food fight," I said laughing along with her.

"I am so sorry sweetie;" I kissed her gently on the lips "I should have known better. I wanted this day to be perfect for you." I said kissing her again.

I always found an excuse to touch her, I just couldn't help myself. She pulled away after a moment so that we were eye to eye.

"You knew about this?" she asked surprised.

I nodded "Yeah, my dad made me promise I would let him throw us a party that was his condition, oh and guess what your mom expects grandchildren." I said playfully with a wink.

She smiled playfully slapping my chest, then was serious, "What do you mean it was his condition, condition for what? And how could you possibly know my mom wants grandchildren?"

I smiled "Well, the reason I was here earlier was because I wanted to talk to my dad before I asked your mother to marry you, but ended up having to ask her in front of all the gods, oh my gods Annabeth you have no idea how terrified I was this morning." I laughed now but earlier I felt like crying.

She was shocked. "Percy, you asked for my mom's blessing in front of eleven other gods?"
I shrugged "Well, yeah! How else would I be able to marry you without being turned into some sort of sea creature?" I laughed.

"Seaweed Brain, you didn't have to do that, I would have married you no matter what the gods thought about it." She said nuzzling closer into my chest.

I hummed in contentment. This was totally worth the show-down with her mother.

I looked at her astonished, this woman was really amazing "I am glad to her it, but I wanted to do this right, I don't want you to have worry about anything. I think she might even accept me a tiny bit now." I said with a self-assured smirk.

"Accept you? Dear gods Percy, what on earth did you say to her?!" she asked obviously impressed.

I shrugged nonchalantly "Just that our goals weren't so different."
She raised her eyebrows questioningly obviously wondering what her mother and I could possibly have in common.

"We both want you happy." I clarified.

She smiled hugely kissing me full on the lips taking me by surprise and this time it wasn't so gentle.

She parted her lips eagerly, her warm breath swept into my mouth, I moaned quietly as she ran her hot tongue across my bottom lip. I eagerly parted my lips allowing her access; she suddenly changed positions so that she was straddling my lap.

That women would be the death of me. Gods…

Fisting my hand in her blond curls I kept her mouth firmly on mine as I lowered her gently to the floor quickly covering her body with my own pressing us tightly together.

Her mouth molded to my own perfectly, our tongues danced around each other's teasingly softly caressing. Moaning softy she nibbled at my bottom lip pulling it in her mouth, claiming it as her own. Groaning I pushed against her earning yet another delicious whimper. My head was in frenzy.

When we kissed I had no since of knowing, it was like her tongue had the power wipe my mind with a single lick. Everything that is me is focused entirely on the beautiful girl in my arms, kissing me like her life depended on it. Which was probably the reason I didn't notice when the fighting and noise stopped, Annabeth hadn't seemed to notice either, the thought made me kind of smug that I had that effect on her.

Hair hand pulled relentlessly on my hair bringing our faces in impossibly closer, deepening our kiss further.

I ran my hands along the length of her sides until I reached the hem of her shirt  slipping my hands under the thin fabric resting them lightly on her waist slowly inching upward, to my delight a small shiver ran throughout her body when our skin made contact.
Suddenly I was aware of someone's presence but was too far gone to realize that I should have stopped.

Relief filled me as I heard the familiar nervous blee-haha. Its only Grover, was my reasoning for not stopping. "Go away Grover." I managed to mumble around Annabeth's lips annoyed without breaking our kiss.

I continued to rub random patterns onto her skin, she moaned softly into my mouth but before I could move my hands any further upwards we were interrupted again.

"But Percy…"Grover continued nervously almost a little embarrassed.

If Annabeth heard Grover she sure did a hell of a good job ignoring him, which made it difficult for me to form a coherent thought.

With much effort I turned my head away from Annabeth's glorious lips to glare at Grover as Annabeth moved to my neck kissing from my jaw line to my collar bone where she bit down softly causing me to let out a small squeak "G-Grover," I stammered trying to find my voice, "What in Hades could you…" Like a deer caught in headlights, my eyes bulged when I saw that a small crowd had gathered around us.

For a full ten seconds I was frozen, Annabeth felt me tense and looked up to see my face.
She didn't hesitate like I had when she saw the crowd, her blush was immediate, and if it wasn't for the situation I would have kissed because she looked so cute.

Annabeth shoved at my chest efficiently pushing me off of her, I lay on my side too stunned to move. Within seconds she had stood up straightening her clothes and hair and pulled me up with her.

Oh my gods how had I not noticed this? My face was burning red. Annabeth stiffened at my side, I didn't need to look at her to know that she was just as embarrassed as I was.

How long had they been standing there? Why hadn't any of them said anything? Why hadn't I noticed? These questions demanded answers but my voice was nowhere to be found.

The crowd was still in shock along with Annabeth and I, I couldn't stop myself from looking at everyone's expression, in search of some sort of support. Most were amused and others slightly shocked.  

When my eyes met with my dad's he gave me the okay sign and winked at me, I could now feel the heat radiating off of my face.

I needed to say something, desperate to say anything.

I opened my mouth to speak deciding it was best to go with an apology but Apollo beat me to it.

"Geez Percy! Save some for the honeymoon!"

The crowd erupted into laughter; I think I preferred it when they were silent.

As if that wasn't bad enough my dad decided to speak up, at first I thought he would defend me but that was before I recognized the look on his face, he thought this was hilarious, he was trying to hide his laughter from me, but it was useless.
"I didn't know you were into tight jeans Percy? Those seem to be much too tight to be comfortable!"

My mouth dropped open and here I thought Apollo's jokes were harsh that was just plain wrong.

It wasn't as if I wasn't aware of my predicament, I just hadn't realized how much of the predicament was noticeable.

I jumped behind Annabeth to hide the evidence, mortified. Why oh why did I even think I could trust my father with throwing me a normal announcement party. Who was I kidding I was the son of the Sea god 'normal' wasn't even in my vocabulary.

I was drowning in embarrassment, and the worst part was this time it was all on me, Annabeth probably wanted to kill me. More than usual, I mean.

Oh and the jokes were far from over. "Yeah Percy, tell you pants it's not nice to point!" Apollo laughing even harder.

The only silver lining to this rain cloud was that my mom wasn't here to witness all of this, I would die for sure of embarrassment.

I looked to Annabeth, she was oddly silent during this whole thing. She was glaring at Apollo her cheeks flaming in embarrassment or anger I didn't know. As embarrassing as this whole thing was, I couldn't bring myself to regret, I enjoyed it too much.

Manly pride surged through my chest, and I didn't care anymore about what they just saw. I chuckled to myself.

I stepped from behind Annabeth and stood in front of her; I felt her arms worm their way around my waist and her mouth at my ear "For what it's worth, I had a pretty good time." I couldn't help but smile.

"Well look who finally calmed himself down, we said enjoy yourself not get freaky behind your future mother-in-law's throne," Apollo said still chuckling softly along with crowd  "Sorry to interrupt but it is considered rude to have this kind of 'party' behind our thrones," He continued seriously, it hadn’t even occurred to me that we were being disrespectful. I was suddenly very ashamed. I was about to apologize before a huge grin spread across his face "So Percy I am going to have to ask you to tell you pants to behave or we will be forced to remove them from Olympus, even though I am sure Annabeth would enjoy that more than she should, that would be highly inappropriate considering we have Artemis in our presence, and we don't want to finally send her over the edge." Apollo said winking at me and smirking at his sister.

I just shook my head laughing loudly along with the crowd while Annabeth stuck her tongue out at Apollo obviously taking Artemis' side. I could see it in Artemis' face that she was about to hit him again, thankfully Zeus decided to step in before World War III broke out.

I couldn't help the grin that slid over my face. Zeus held Artemis by her arm and had Apollo clapped around the neck making escape impossible for either one.

"Now, enough you two!" Zeus' voiced echoed throughout the entire place. "This is Percy and Annabeth's party! Make a fool out of yourselves on your own time!" With heads hung low they both nodded and muttered 'yes sirs' and walked off when Zeus released them.

I was still trying not to laugh when Zeus turned his attention back to us. "And as for you two!" He said jabbing a finger in our direction ending all giggles coming from Annabeth and me. "At least try to contain yourselves." Zeus said with a hint of a smile.

"I'll do my best." I said with a lighthearted wink. Zeus and my father chuckled.

"And Without further ado I introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Percy Jackson to be." With a wave of Zeus's hand the lights dimmed, soft music started to play, and the crowed split making an isle for Annabeth and I to pass through.

Suddenly Annanbeth was pulling me to center of the dance floor by the collar of my dress shirt earning a hearty chuckle from our on lookers. Taking my lead from her I wrapped one arm around her waist drawing her in close to me, smelling her intoxicating perfume as  she wrapped one arm tightly around my shoulders  I placed our entwined hands over my heart at the center of my chest  and bent my forehead down to meet hers. We danced slowly in circles doing our best to keep up with the slow tempo of the song due to my lack of dance skills, but that didn't matter because she was in my arms.

Her stormy eyes mesmerized my own dragging me into our own little world. Everyone disappeared in my mind, and it was just me and Annabeth once again, dancing to the rhythm of my heart.

"I love you, Wise Girl." I whispered quietly to her. Mere inches separated our lips, too tempting for my liking.

"I love you too, Seaweed Brain." A hint of a smile tugged at the corners of my lips.
"And what exactly is so funny?" Annabeth asked not being able to hold back a smile of her own.

"Just that Zeus told us keep our hands off each other, and we are doing anything but." I grazed my lips across hers to prove my point.

"Hmm. Is that what you heard him say? Because I specifically remember him saying the word try." She said leaning in herself closer into me.

"Huh, you know what Annabeth? I think you're right." I said a goofy smile taking control over my face.

"I always am." She mumbled into my lips as they met hers.

The kiss was sweet and gentle and slowly building. I dimly noted somewhere in my mind that we had stopped our slow circle and the music had changed, but that didn't matter at the moment. I slid my tongue slowly over her lips taking my sweet time, pouring out my love for her through our kiss. We kissed slowly as a new song began to play but still we didn't part.

Someone cleared their throat behind me causing me to jump and spin around to see who it was. I was expecting to see my dad or Athena at least, but what I got was a completely unexpected.

 I hadn't seen him for at least a month, but there he stood with his trademark scowl and black clothes.

Nico di Angelo.

His lips turned up at the end, I supposed that was a smile coming from Nico anyway.
"I would say now that I am here the party can officially start but you two seem to be having a good time." He looked over my shoulder to wink at Annabeth, who stifled a giggle. I just shook my head and smiled at him. It was really good to see him again.

"Congratulations to you two by the way. Thanks so much for telling me that you were getting married, Percy. I would at least expect you tell one of you closest friends." He joked but I knew he was kind of hurt.

I mocked punched his arm. "I would have but you were nowhere to be found! Where have you been? I haven't heard from you in over a month! I thought you fell from the face of the earth!"

"Geez, relax mommy." He said in his usual Nico fashion, but there was something different about him a lighter air to his usual sullen personality. "I just decided to get away for a while, I was in Rome. I even managed to make a few friends while I was there."

For the first time I noticed someone standing next to him. His arm tightened around a short red haired girl around our age, obviously a demigod.

"Yeah, right, you having friends. That's funny." I mocked.

"I even brought back proof!" He said gesturing towards the girl.

I smiled and looked to the girl. "Ah, I see, you must the proof. Poor thing, how much has he paid you to come here?" I said laughing.

The girl giggled in response. "Yeah, I guess that's me. Hi, I'm April, Nico's girlfriend." She said blushing furiously.

I looked to Nico for conformation, but he didn't see because he was gazing down at the girl in a way I have never seen Nico look at anyone before. Well that explains his sudden mood change.  

"Well it's nice to meet you April. I am Percy and this," I said wrapping my arm securely around Annabeth's waist. "is my fiancé, Annabeth."

"Nice to meet you both." She was being really polite, which means she must mean really want make an impression on Nico, which must mean she liked him back. That logic hurt my head. I smiled at them both together; it was nice that Nico found someone that could tolerate all of his bullshit.

"Hey, we'll catch up later okay Percy? I want to show April around Olympus."

"Aright later Nico, try not to disappear this time."

"Now why would I do that? Someone has to give you bachelor party, and gods know it won't be Grover." I chuckled at the thought of Grover giving me a bachelor party which would probably consist of playing cards and eating enchiladas. "Later Annabeth." And with that he and April turned to leave.

I shook my head, ah Nico. My bachelor party would definitely be interesting at least.
"What?" Annabeth asked seeing my face.

I looked at her seriously. "Nico throwing me a bachelor party kind of scares me."
Sea Bells Chapter 2

I never expected the response I got from the first chapter, honestly my mind is blown! Thanks to all you wonderful readers!

What do you guys think of Apollo? Funny? Annoying? Let me know!

This [link] will lead you to Chapter 3 :happybounce:
© 2012 - 2024 KristenBlue
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maycq's avatar
I'm sure he wont invite Apollo to the wedding.